Spin off your own start up to verify new markets fast and at limited risk

Spin off your own start up to verify new markets fast and at limited risk Definition business idea/ focus Identification of key players within your organization and search for experts and team members externally Design-thinking, business model canvas and business plan workshops Spin-off consulting, strategic directions, allocation, organizational set-up, etc. Coaching of founders and board…

Strategic investment in existing start-ups with relevant technologies

Strategic investment in existing start-ups with relevant technologies Set-up of enterprise strategy, resp. integration of start-up activities into existing strategic setup Check internal technology development vs. start-up investment & collaboration Definition of strategic targets Search for strategic partners Establishing first contact, pitch-deck and check strategic fit of potential partners Consulting and project management throughout the…

Technology Scouting

Technology scouting Scan of your relevant core competencies Strategy alignment and strategic focus Analysis of competition Technology search: Academic institutions, start-ups, fairs, Internet and literature, expert interviews and surveys Idea development, idea evaluation and idea selection process

Strategy Development for Digital Disruption

Strategy Development for Digital Disruption Quick-scan existing business models, products and processes Relevant future trends and developments Identification of threats and opportunities Incentives/ impulse presentations start-up culture, silicon valley mindset and tools, etc. Definition of strategic directions in the dimensions Global markets, technologies and processes Definition of strategic projects, milestone reporting